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International Intangible Heritage Film Festival 2015 Trailer
HD film, 5 min., 2015

2015 IIFF, Jeonju, Korea

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"Being tried out for the first time this year, the IVE Project supports the production of a short video essay with the theme of making an encyclopedia-like archive of all things intangible, from A to Z. With future IVE projects, we hope to fill in all entries related to the intangible, such as the North Star in the night sky, the sound of Orpheus’ flute, Salome’s dance, the roar of the Dragon King underwater, Mujin’s fog, and Scotland’s sea fog, Harr. As IVE’s first project in 2015, artist and cineaste Chan-kyong Park provided a video essay on ‘stars’." (IIFF) 

IIFF 2015 Trailer Vimeo link

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